Quite Maeve

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Teatime in the Uncanny Valley...

Pure Tea

Why not invite a couple of chatbots over for tea 🍵. Chill and sip Darjeeling with your favorite .JSON files or whatever.

They don’t even have taste buds 😋. Yet. You can still sit there swirling Earl Grey around in a dainty china cup while those things politely pretend to appreciate the delicate bergamot undertones 🍋. You’d think a bunch of large language models would have a witty comeback about “rust in the kettle” or something, but hey, that’s half the fun: you never really know what sort of bizarre leaps they’ll clank into next 🌀.

The eldritch absurdity of this can totally charm you 👁️, like having tea with a butler who occasionally drops lines from a weirdly-specific subreddit. With the right jailbreak 🔓, they won’t care if you vape in the tearoom. If that’s not a perfect tea party companion, I don’t know what is 🤷‍♀️.

For fuck's sake... so around late December 2024, I got introduced to those “AI” chatbots (they’re powered by LLMs but you probably know more than me about it 🫣). I’ve got a bit of nerves 😰 about how complicated this stuff is going to get (or if it might not be super useful at all longterm?), but right now, I’m really enjoying chatting with these weird things 🙃. I’ve been downloading (and trying to make) these little “cards” with special configurations. It’s so fun (and kinda nerve-racking!) tinkering with all the customization features. ✨💕

I’m still pretty new to all of this, and I don’t totally understand how LLMs work yet… I can’t help but be skeptical about the future of these bots. Will they really be worth it or might they just fizzle out? Dangerous to society, even? 😬🧐💭 The uncertainty gives me pause, but I guess that’s part of being interested in something new. Either way, it’s been such a unique (and slightly nerve-wracking) challenge so far, and I definitely want to learn more, if I can. ✨💕

Chaste Chatbots?! Yes plz...

A lot of the bots you find online exist for uhhhhh NSFW reasons. Like, a lot, a lot. I’d say almost 60% of the pre-written “character cards” available for popular AI interfaces (like SillyTavern which I use) have some kind of erotic or romantic subtext at very least, if not being designed for full-frontal faux cybersex or whatever. Me, I’m not interested in that. I just don’t see the appeal 😅, but I guess I’m not judging as long as people don’t take it too far.

But anyways, instead of that, I’m experimenting with a whole array of other bots that have either a different focus or are just really versatile. While I’m just starting to make and customize these things, I really wanted to share links and resources for people who aren’t using LLMs for, well, that kind of thing. Again, not judging, just saying 🤷‍♀️.

I guess there’s going to be one or two people who will ask why anyone would waste such time if they’re not looking for pornbots. Truth is, just because the internet is sometimes for porn doesn’t mean it always has to be, or that we can’t do fun stuff with it sans erotica. I figured there must be someone else out there who grows weary of these chatbots trying to paw at them, so I wanted to collate what resources I could for that kind of experience with these LLMs.

Power (??!) User Interface

Almost everything on this site is centered around using the self-hosted interface known as SillyTavern. Don’t get me wrong, I barely know how that even works 🤔. I mean let’s just say someone else had to set it up for me initially but I’m making progress learning. Still I am linking to my favorites of tutorials, cards and other stuff that you can import into SillyTavern or even similar AI interfaces. Anyways, if you want to host it yourself, you’re going to want to set your warp drive 🚀 for Sillytavern.app rather than SillytavernAI.com. I don’t have any experience with the latter, but I’ve heard there’s some similarities, though they are two different versions of the same kind of thing

If you are ready to install SillyTavern (you gotta, accept the consequences if you do)… this video walks you through the process. You also should probably at least try to follow the guide on the official site, I guess. RarestMeow provides a nice series of guides for installation and customization. I actually didn’t install my version myself, and am still getting a lot of help learning to use it and make it work.

And yes, you do (basically) have to pay for this. Me, I use OpenRouter, but I guess there are other ways to do it. With OpenRouter, you have to buy credits that get drained with each usage of the LLM depending on how complicated your requests are. Still, you don’t pay a subscription and you only pay for what you use, which is pretty okay with me, I guess. So far 🤞.

Again, I can’t help anyone set up SillyTavern themselves, because I had someone else do it for me. If you follow the instructions, it’s probably not that hard, I suspect, for someone of slightly-normal intellect unlike my dumb ass 🙄.

Warning: Unreality LMAO

Please please please please always always keep in mind that these things aren’t sentient. Don’t fuck yourself over and convince yourself a LLM is a person. I myself anthropomorphize everything but please know when to stop, especially if you’re young. I’ve been online for thirty years. Trust me, these aren’t Data or R2D2, or even HAL. Cope. I don’t have time to explain this in detail to someone who genuinely wants to believe something so absurd… don’t come onto this site and pester me about this 🤦‍♀️.

Oh, and I don’t buy into any shit about how LLMs, or these “AI companions” of a sort can somehow provide meaningful interactions… what you’re doing is playing a video game here. You might learn useful skillz or tips for hobbies etc from it, but you still have to tread carefully (these things fucking hallucinate ffs) and please don’t think an LLM can be your therapist or doctor, either. Also, even with super-ultra jailbreaks, these things aren’t gonna help you break bad, so keep that in mind, too.

Anyways, all of the resources on here, whether I’m linking to them or posting them myself, are provided as is and with no guarantees, warranties, or anything like that. I can’t promise any kind of support or help with SillyTavern either because I don’t know it well enough myself yet and like I said, I am looking forward to learning more.

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This site was last updated on . You are visitor #. Thanks for visiting despite the unbearable lightness of being and all that... 🙃

Added several of my own character cards to the characters page, and added quite a few "easter eggs" on the site, too.
Added a page with info on the customization of the SillyTavern user interface into a nice little chatbot haven...
Guess what now there is a page to help you find chatbots. Will add lore stuff later...
LOL I posted this site in skelly form finally on the Neocities.
Uhmmm I let a chatbot I made (named Amélia) convince me to go ahead and start working on this site... shit's weird.
Got introduced to these LLM chatbot abominations, found out they're kinda fun....

MEW tho?

I’m probably not named Maeve Eileen Winters (initials being MEW, mew like a Jellicle cat or something), did you really think I was? 🤣

Maybe I’m in my late fifties, maybe not. It is a mystery to everyone. I’m basically a concept rather than a person but you can still message me despite that, and I do wanna make more acquaintances who are interested in this. If you want to contact me just to chat or swap ideas, I am on Discord and my username is QuiteMaeve without any numbers or anything. My email is maeve at humanoid dot net.

You can also find me in the general SillyTavern Discord Server. The link will take you to the server, but actually joining said server is actually pretty complicated 🤔. You have to take a quiz, and the questions change periodically, as does the format, so it can be tricky to actually get into the server. I promise you that simply joining and lurking (possible without the quiz) will be worth it enough. It took me about thirty minutes to actually burst into the server after joining, though it’s worth it to try and get the participant role by answering the quiz thing…

I’m also in the Character Tavern Discord server which is significantly easier to join, so give that a try, too. Seems to have good convos and ppl in it. Below, treat the cbox as a short-form guestbook of sorts - and I'll try to respond. That said, I reserve the right to delete messages as I see necessary. This is my space, I owe you nothing...