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Fun Chatbot Habitats

It's kinda fun to explore all these chatbots, how they work, and slowly learning to make my own. But that would be dull somewhat if the user interface of SillyTavern was always drab. Thankfully, the situationcan be fixed becauuse...

SillyTavern is a precarious, startlingly eldritch abomination 🔮 hosted on a Linux laptop as far as I am concerned. It might surprise you 😱, though, how utterly customizable the whole thing is.There’s a metric fuckton of extensions you can install immediately ⚙️, and plenty of third party extensions available across the web. These add cool stuff, change the user interface in various ways, and are generally fun.

Extending with Extensions

Extensions Screenshot

Hmm... where to even begin? The Lenny Suite, a vast and unknowable connection of SillyTavern extensions, is available directly from the author who is called Lenny (whoa so surprise 🙀). Alternatively you could add this file to your SillyTavern installation to connect to a full Lenny repository. It’s maintained (seems like?) by a third person, so it’s not as full or up-to-date as just checking Lenny’s own list!

I may be biased 🤷‍♂️ towards aesthetics rather than bare functionality, but the ones I recommend installing (from various authors) are:

Be mindful that these are all direct links to the extensions in question. Some of them are already included in the "Default Repository" to which you connect SillyTavern initially. So, you'll want to look there first, then branch out. The Lenny Suite, or at least some of it, is totally a must for me...

Aesthetics Upgrades

Interface Screenshot

If you have a modicum of front-end coding knowledge, you can easily customize the appearance of the SillyTavern user interface 🎨, creating themes awash in sunset glows, delicate pink china tearooms, dystopian chatrooms, and more. There are even themes that mimic the popular messaging app, Discord. That’s awesome 🔥 and I’m using those like burning at this point? Above you can see a theme I cobbled together from examining the work of others - I call it Dat Sunset Tho. Perfect for teatimes of all kinds!

There are tons of themes, extensions, and tips available via the SillyTavern Discord server, and guess what? You can access those areas of the server as a lurker prior to passing the #exam-room test required to participate in the server. I honestly just lurked this server without getting posting privileges 👀 for about three weeks before joining. And please relax - the #exam-room thing isn’t as awful as it seems 😅. You won’t find help for the questions online… just follow instructions…

Nyxkrage’s Discord-inspired theme is perfect for playing group chat games with whatever blorbo or whoever you want to conjure up. I use a very similar theme, which smashes the auspices of that together with some other stuff and sweeeeeeeet colors. You can generally expect I’m gonna use something light-colored (lol, pink or orange) but all themes can, in theory, be a dark theme, you just have to tweak the colors in the user interface… slightly.

Anyways... I plan to post links to cool themes I find (if I can - some seem proprietary and I'ma be mindful) as well as some unabashedly amateur and mediocre themes I made myself...